Post your church job and get resumes today!

You're one step closer to discovering God's candidate to help you accomplish His mission for His church!

JustChurchJobs is trusted by churches around the US.

Upload your job description and we'll broadcast it everywhere for the low cost of $150.


"We have posted a number of positions on JustChurchJobs, and each time it has been a very good experience. We highly recommend them."


Diane Armstrong
North Heights Lutheran Church

By posting a job on, you are also
posting your job hundreds of places - a savings of over $500 just for churches.

Group 1

We'll share your opportunity with our database of ministry professionals through instant alerts, online affinity groups, Bible college/seminary job boards, plus we'll deploy an aggressive social media campaign on all the major platforms - all on the day you post your job!

You'll receive maximum exposure for a micro investment of only $150.

What does your church get with a job post?

Application Notifications

Whenever someone applies, you will get an email to review their resume and setup an interview.

Budget friendly price

We're in ministry too, so we know what's important. Simply put - you'll have more money for ministry by saving money with JustChurchJobs.

Resume database

Get access to thousands of individuals already looking for jobs on day one.

Auto Renewal

After 30 days, your job posting with automatically renew on our website. This keeps you from forgetting to renew.

Hiring Tools

Your job post gets you a step-by-step hiring framework, a full library of interview questions, and much more!

Dedicated Contact

You will have the contact information of a recruiter on our team to help you from posting to hire.

What can we do for your search team?
  • Maximum exposure for your job post.

    We broadcast Pro Search job postings to thousands of job seekers through our database of job seekers, weekly newsletters and daily job alerts, online affinity groups, and Bible college/seminary job boards, plus we deploy an aggressive social media campaign for all major platforms - all on the day you post your job! You receive maximum exposure for a micro investment.

  • Instant access to resources you'll actually use.

    Pro Search job posts come with all the tools you'll need as you begin the hiring process. We'll provide you with a sample step-by-step hiring framework, a full library of interview questions, reference forms, and much more.

How do we stack up?

You've got options, but you can see for yourself how is the best option to find the ideal staff member for your church.

Image Image
Candidates qualified for ministry
Easy to use
Sample hiring process
Developed by pastors
Price $150 $300+

Ready to post a job?

You're one step closer to discovering God's candidate to help you accomplish His mission for His church!